Reduce recyclable waste today!

There has been much in the press lately about the China ban on recyclables. The import bans (sometimes dubbed as the ‘National Sword Policy’) took effect on 1st January and restrict the imports of 24 types of solid waste including mixed papers and various plastics. It also sets a much tougher standard for contamination levels.

Following on from this, China has more recently announced a customs enforcement campaign – ‘Blue Sky 2018’. This initiative will run from March through to December and will focus on the crackdown of illegal imports of material.This situation has certainly sent the recycling world into a spin and has left Victoria in a conundrum on how to deal with the stockpiling of waste for both municipal and commercial recyclables.

In the meantime Councils are encouraging households to do what they can to reduce the amount of waste and recycling they are producing. This has a lot to do with product purchasing decisions as well as changing mindsets to think about ‘reuse’ before disposing of an item.

To help you out, we have had a look through our bins at home and have come up with 8 common items you might have in your recycling bin. From here we look at how you can help reduce the volume of your recyclable waste.

8 ways you can reduce recyclable waste of 8 items!

Reduce recyclable waste - newspaper1. Newspapers

If you have a fire why not start keeping a stockpile of paper to use when winter comes. Or to avoid them altogether,
think about signing yourself up to an online subscription.

Reduce recyclable waste - magazines2. Magazines

If they are still in good condition and fairly recent then it might be worth asking at your local doctors surgery or aged care facility if they would like them.

Reduce recyclable waste - cans3. Small Tins, Cans and Containers

Buy the larger container or in bulk if possible. For example if you have cooked something using two small tins of chopped tomatoes then next time buy just one bigger tin. Or Instead of buying individual yoghurt pots, purchase a large tub and decant as needed. This reduces the packaging and is usually the more economical way to purchase.

Reduce recyclable waste - boxes4. Boxes and Cartons

If you have children ask at your daycare or school if they could use any boxes or cartons for craft projects. These could be used to make a robot or some other wonderful creation! Alternatively, if you know anyone that is moving house, your old boxes could come in very useful.

Reduce recyclable waste - glass jars5. Glass Jars

Your old jars (for instance sauce, jam etc) can be reused for a multitude of things. Some ideas: kitchen storage or preserves,  DIY candles, pencil/pen holder.

Reduce recyclable waste - bottles6. Wine, Beer and Soda Bottles

Over the summer period with more socialising happening we may have noticed our bin has been filling up with bottles. With the change of season, now could be time for a challenge to cut back on the consumption and see what impact it makes to your recycling bin.

Reduce recyclable waste - takeaway containers7. Takeaway Containers

Keep these for storing leftovers.

Reduce recyclable waste - water bottles8. Plastic Water Bottles

This is an easy one – stop buying them! These are a not only a huge waste of energy and resources, they are also expensive. Not to mention, recent news has come out about some of the leading brands of bottled water being contaminated with tiny plastic particles. While the health risks from this contamination remains unclear at this stage we think it’s best to avoid bottled water altogether!

Buy yourself a good quality water bottle that you can carry around with you and refill for free!

In the workplace we should also be mindful of what and how we disposing of recyclable items. If you would like some help or advice on your current waste management systems, please contact us.