Back in January we covered off a couple of unlikely items that can be recycled thanks to the organisation Terracycle. Now Terracycle offers even more recycling programmes for unlikely items.
We all use toothpaste, toothbrushes etc and probably don’t even think twice about throwing the tubes and brushes into our bin headed for landfill. But now there is another option. . .
Recycling toothbrushes and related items – Terracycle Colgate Oral Care Brigade®:
Terracycle have partnered with Colgate® to help provide a second life for toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, caps, floss containers and plastic outer packaging materials (cardboard can go into your recycling bin).
The programme is free and easy to run. All you need to do is get your workplace, school or organisation onboard and start collecting your oral care waste products (any brand is accepted). Once you have a stash of items package these up and drop them off at any Australia Post Outlet where they will be shipped off to Terracycle.
Upon receiving the items Terracycle will process and upcycle/recycle the goods. Items such as pencil cases, picture frames and clip boards can be made from the waste products. They also go through a process of palletising and from here new products such as pavers/tiles can be made.
For further information on the Terracycle Colgate Oral Care Brigade® or for any of the other Brigades Terracycle offer click here
There may also be more items throughout your workplace or home that you are throwing straight into landfill that are actually recyclable. For more information or for any questions you may have on recycling unlikely items please contact KS Environmental.